Statement of Purpose
An organization of National Parliaments and Provincial / State / Territorial Legislatures of member countries of the Commonwealth on the continent of Africa who irrespective of gender, race, religion are committed to:
- Respect for Human Rights and Freedom and the pursuit of the ideals of Democracy and good governance;
- Building understanding and unity between countries of the Region and the Continent; and
- Promoting the interest / perspective of Africa into the Commonwealth and Beyond.
Regional Bodies
Article 14 of CPA Africa Region Constitution establishes the following bodies with their respective Sub-Committees:
(a) Annual Regional Conference;
(b) Annual General Meeting; and
(c) Executive Committee with the following sub-committees:
(i) Coordinating Committee;
(ii) Regional Representative Sub-Committee;
(iii) Program Planning and Finance Sub-Committee; and
(iv) Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Steering Committee
Regional Organs
The following Regional Organs are hereby established by Article 15 of the CPA Africa Region Constitution:
(a) Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference;
(b) Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians;
(c) Society of Clerks-at-the-Table; and
(d) Regional Secretariat